Being a mom and an entrepreneur is a juggling act—one that requires strategy, resilience, and a whole lot of passion. As a mompreneur, you’re not just running a business; you’re raising a family, managing a household, and trying to carve out time for yourself (if that even...
“How do I get clients” something I hear, honestly, every single day. Whether I'm on a strategy call with someone or if I’m responding to a question in my group #MommiesOnAMission. Each day someone wants to know how to get more clients for their business. Today I want...
You CAN’T rely on social media owned by others for your business. I was preparing for a launch. I was very excited about this launch. I poured my heart and soul into what I was going to share. I put together my emails, my posts, my live training content, my workshop, and then …....
You’re sitting there wondering if anyone is seeing the things you post because you feel like engagement is so low right? We ALL want a TON more engagement on our shares right? But here’s the thing. Engagement does not directly correlate to a client! I know I know,...
Clients, you want more clients, you want to be booked solid each month. The first thing you need to do is get on more sales calls! How can you get more sales calls without begging strangers to get on a call with you? Simple! I’m going to show you How to Use Facebook Groups to...
A topic so many entrepreneurs shy away from is helping build others up. Too often I come across entrepreneurs who are worried that if they share someone's name with their audience then they will lose business. The fact is, Promoting Others Will Scale Your Success.
Here is...
I want you to Stop Starting In The Middle of your business, you’re only hurting yourself in the long run. What do I mean when I say Stop Starting In The Middle? I mean, you decided you’re in business, you make yourself known as an XYZ business person, then you simply start...
Welcome to my world! You’re now home, with your kiddos all day, you’re in charge of their time/fun/activities/meals/desires, and you’re working from home. Some of you are pulling your hair out and wondering if it’ll ever grow back. Some of you have considered...
Time and time again I'm asked “How do you find time to run your business with a little running around”
Sometimes I just have to sit back and laugh because there are days I literally have zero ideas how I do it. I’d love to say I sit down and knock out 8 hours of work in...
I have been getting a LOT of questions recently on how I stay organized and on task. First, let me be very honest, I have been in this business for 7 years and an online entrepreneur for 18 years now, so my business will most likely look vastly different than yours if you’re just starting...
You want to Get Booked NOW but you’re wondering how that is possible when you feel like all you’re doing is working. Here’s the thing, it’s not just about getting clients once and then scrambling again for them when your mortgage is due again. Far too many people I...
Let’s face it, NOBODY likes it when they wake up to a “Hey Queen” message in your inbox . You know, the message from some random new person who stalked you for as long as it takes you to sneeze before sending you a message. She’s telling you about how excited she is about...