Stop Starting In The Middle

I want you to Stop Starting In The Middle of your business, you’re only hurting yourself in the long run. What do I mean when I say Stop Starting In The Middle? I mean, you decided you’re in business, you make yourself known as an XYZ business person, then you simply start trying to get clients immediately. But you’re missing a lot of steps in between so let's cover what’s missing so that you can Stop Starting In The Middle.
When you decide that you are in business, you decide who you want to help, what their problem is, how you can solve that problem, what you want to do/offer, and then you put it all together and sell XYZ.
What I’m seeing happen is that coaches out there are promising you quick money in a very short period of time. They tell you to throw together a package, they put you out in front of a bunch of people, and you make a quick buck. What happens when you’re done working with that coach? You realize that you don’t have a solid foundation for your business because you simply threw something together, made a quick buck, and didn’t think about your business in the long term. See, you started in the middle.
I want you to Stop Starting In The Middle!
Sure, you made a quick buck, great job, but what I KNOW to be 100% true is that those who make the quick buck out the gate fizzle out quickly in their businesses. They fizzle out because those who work with them realize there is no substance to their training. People begin to tell there’s nothing to back up the teachings. When people smell phony they tend to run to the hills and I promise you, that is NOT what you want for your business.
I have been in the entrepreneurial business game for almost 19 years. I have grown three very successful businesses from the ground up. I have seen so many come and go and I do NOT want to see that happen to you. You have a limited amount of time in your day, you’ve got kids to raise, you have school to teach (yaay virtual learning right lol), there's a house to maintain, a spouse to care for, and your list is long and endless. If you’re reading this and you’re just getting the idea that maybe starting a business is for you but aren’t entirely sure where to start check out the → #MommiesOnAMission Business Builders Bundle ← for all the things you need to get your mompreneur business running successfully.
If you're not ready to commit to investing in your business but you’re ready to build your online business grab your spot in the 7 Days to Build Your Online Business Now Free course → HERE ←
So, how do you Stop Starting In The Middle and “get it right?” You take the time to build a solid foundation for your business with these steps.
- Figure out who your ideal client is- if you don’t know who it is you want to work with you can’t possibly know what it is you will offer. Without knowing what it is you offer you can’t share a product or service with your audience. No real product/service means you’re simply saying to the world “I’m good at XYZ so you should hire me” and honestly, that’s just falling on deaf ears. Take the time to identify who you are passionate about working with so that you can identify what they need. If you need more help Identifying who your ideal client is check out my video on Identifying Your Ideal Client.
- Identify what your ideal client's pain points are- Yes, I mentioned this is #1 and YES I KNOW that you’ve heard this before. But honestly, so few people take the time to ACTUALLY do this it blows my mind. The simplest steps in your business building foundation are what make the biggest impact on your long-term success. When you really understand what your ideal person needs you will be able to offer them a solution to that exact problem that they can help but hand over their money. If you’re offering a plain Jane solution to a problem everybody and their brother might have but care little to change then you will find it hard to survive and sell.
Don’t forget If you’re ready to build your online business in an easier and quicker way grab your spot in the 7 Days to Build Your Online Business Now Free course → HERE ←
- Offer a Solution to Your Ideal client's pain points- You know who you work with, you know what big problem they have and need help with, now solve that specific problem. Don’t try and solve ALL their problems, don’t give them a vanilla generic solution they could have found simply on the first page of google. Really dive in and help them solve their issue. If they are a web designer and they are struggling with marketing you may share with them specific tactics to get in front of their ideal clients. If you are a weight loss coach and your ideal client is struggling with pelvic floor issues you could provide a strengthening program specifically for this issue. Be specific in your offers.
- Package that solution in a way that will benefit your ideal client- Some audiences prefer courses, some prefer handouts, there are those who prefer video, and some prefer one on one attention. Figure out how your ideal client wants the solution delivered and then provide it. If you don’t know or you’re unsure of how to deliver your perfect offer simply ask your audience. Don’t shy away if you don’t have a large audience, you can always borrow others' audience to ask your ideal clients' opinions.
If you want to be seen as an expert in your field, even with a small audience check out this video → How To Be Seen As An Expert In Your Field.
Now you have the tools to Stop Starting In The Middle and create a good and solid start to your business.
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